About me…

Welcome to my little space on the internet: an outlet for words,photos and reflection on life’s moments.

It is also a space to share with you some of my favourite places for exploration and adventure.

I am an undergraduate student studying a joint English/History degree at the University of York.

What am I passionate about?

Many things…dogs, conservation, wild walks, kayaking, photography, reading, yoga, music, Scotland and the colour blue! the list goes on…

Photography details:

I use a Nikon D5100 and a 18-200mm f/ 3.5-5.6 lens-this is the only kit I shoot with at the moment and sometimes a tripod, although I prefer to go hand-held.

I try to keep post-editing of my photos to a minimum as I prefer to leave them as natural as possible. For me editing is like good make-up, it is about enhancing the natural beauty with subtlety and careful application. My philosophy is that our planet is wonderful enough without excessive  saturation and contrast! However, I appreciate others may disagree and post processing/editing can be an expressive art form..it’s all down to personal taste!

Please do get in contact with me if you have any questions, or would like to chat…I’d love to hear from you..

Email: sarah_clews@aol.co.uk

Instagram: sarah.clews

Happy Exploring

Sarah x


