Plant Studies: Bluebells: From bud to Bloom & at Dusk

How can you not love bluebells?

They are such a classic flower and at this time of year they start to carpet woods all over England. A challenge of photographing these stunning flowers is finding a fresh perspective of capturing them on film which hasn’t been done before.I realised you don’t normally see photos of bluebells in their pre-bloom stage, and so with these photos I have tried to track these changes,showing the bluebells early on before they burst into colour, as well as in their full glory. Also I have noticed in the woods near my house at home, there are a few rogue white and lilac coloured bluebells! At first I though it must be some kind of genetic fault as they seem to pop up every now and then, however I have since learned that these are in fact the foreign Spanish breed of bluebell. The Spanish bluebells are a threat, because as an invasive species they are increasingly threatening the native English bluebell.

Photographing these flowers at Dusk is also worth exploring as it really brings out their deep blue colour.

The first bluebells sprouting


Time to catch up!
Bluebells at Dusk in the woods of Kent
Bluebells at Dusk in the woods of Kent

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A Blue Carpet
The Blue Blur

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The Rogue White-bell


A lilac Hue




One thought on “Plant Studies: Bluebells: From bud to Bloom & at Dusk

  1. I think the white ones are still English bluebells — the Spanish variety tend to have more upright flowers not hanging over gracefully as your photos show so clearly and they have broader leaves. Your right though they do mingle genetically,which is why I pick any Spanish ones in my garden and bring them in before the bees can get to them and spread the pollen!


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