The Unappreciated Wonders of the York Uni Campus

Since starting at the university in 2015 I have noticed that the campus has been the subject of much criticism with people often labelling it unfairly as ‘ugly’. I appreciate how this term could be applied to the somewhat strange and quirky Central Hall, a building which I must admit does hold a baffling resemblance to a form of extra-terrestrial space craft. However, labelling the whole campus in one broad, hasty sweep as ugly does little justice to its understated beauty.

When you look beyond the questionable design accolades of parts of the campus edifice, you can appreciate some of the often overlooked hidden gems of Hes West. Heslington Hall of course stands out as the most picturesque corner of campus with its classic design, which resembles something akin to the setting of Downton Abbey. The ‘Quiet place’, an area which surrounds Heslington Hall is a great spot to kick back and relax with its topary-hedge lawn and benches overlooking the lake which in the Summer is carpeted with water lilies. I often think that the campus resembles a somewhat more rugged version of one of Monet’s water lily paintings with its little bridges and drooping willow trees.

Also It didn’t take me long to realise that the campus basically doubles up as a mini wildlife reserve with more birds than students. At every turn you’re likely to bump into a duck or a goose. In the spring time the campus really does come alive with moorhens, coots, swans, mallards, grebes and a plethora of geese taking up permanent residence on site! This can make navigating the paths around campus a bit tricky but it also means that every day you get to see the cutest baby ducklings and chicks en mass. But the wildlife doesn’t stop there, with rabbits and even the odd hedgehog making regular appearances!

At the centre of campus, a great new space called Greg’s place has also just been opened with a platform which extends out into the lake, perfect for sunbathing when it gets sunny. If you are into your photography as much as me the campus really does offer some fantastic photo opportunities and will have you feeling snap happy!

Hes Hall bathed in late afternoon sunshine
Much like students the grey lag goose is equally partial to an afternoon power nap…
Hes Hall in Spring







Step 1: choose target
Step 2: Lunge!




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